What is Mid Market Professionals (MMP)?
Members of this group are business to business (B2B) professionals seeking to do business with mid-size companies (20+ employees or $1-5 million dollars in revenue). Our Goal: connect with with B2B professionals that have a similar target market and to share best practices.
This is now our third location: in BOTH Dallas & West (S. Denton Co/N. Tarrant Co) AND NOW Collin Co!!
Join us for more networking on the Fourth Thursday of every month from 3pm-4pm at Matt’s Tex Mex in Allen with check in beginning at 2:45pm. This is a new venue location for 2023
Matt’s is directly of 75 North in Allen. Below is a picture of the building in case you are unfamiliar. The address is 401 S Central Expy Allen TX 75013
Mid Market Professionals DFW: No Dues, No Exclusive Seats – Be A Giver!
2:45pm: Doors Open for Networking
3:15-3:45: Mix & Mingle. Take this opportunity to meet new people or catch up with someone you have not seen in a while
3:45: Introduction to the group of you and your business & who you’d like to be introduced to
4pm: Dismiss, continue networking, schedule 1on1 with someone!